The wilderness can be one of the most enjoyable places to spend your time, but you need to make sure you have the right clothes and equipment to be safe and comfortable. Please look over the list to ensure you bring the proper personal gear.
Packing List
Mandatory Equipment
* We have limited number of these items available for rental. Please check out our rental price list here and information to reserve items.
Hiking boots, or hiking shoes, or good/sturdy athletic shoes
Tall waterproof boots if going on a canoe trip
Mosquito head net if going on a canoe trip
1 pair of socks per day, plus 2 extra pairs
1 extra change of clothes minimum
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Soap and toiletries
Sleeping bag (any style rated to 35 ºF is sufficient) *
Sleeping pad *
Pillow (this will be left at the Wilderness Base Camp during the trip)
Raingear: waterproof raincoat and waterproof pants (Ponchos not recommended) *
Fleece/synthetic sweatshirt/jacket (NOT COTTON) *
Stocking cap – for sleeping at night
Gloves for cold evenings
Water bottle - 1 airtight water bottle (preferable 1 liter) *
Sunglasses *
Water bottle preferable 1 liter
Suggested Equipment
Backpack (approx. size 50-65 liters) *
Chap Stick
Knife (must be a locking knife)
Bug spray/ head net
Any other small survival type gear
Small binoculars
Snack shop money
Hiking poles
Equipment Rental Info
Equipment rentals is done through donation basis and is first-come, first-serve. Please e-mail or call ahead of time to rent any of the equipment.
Phone: 907-262-4741, Email: office@solidrockbiblecamp.com
$10 Backpack (approx. size 50-65 liters)
$10 Sleeping Bag (any style rated to 35 ºF is sufficient)
$2 Sleeping Pad
$5 Raingear: non-disposable, top and bottom
$5 Watertight boots
$2 Fleece/synthetic sweatshirt/jacket
$2 Sunglasses